Exercise 2.1

The natural numbers together with subtraction \((\mathbb{N}, -)\) is not a monoid; it fails to satisfy any of the three monoid laws!

It doesn’t satisfy closure because if you subtract a larger number from a smaller number, you get a negative number (recall that there are no negative numbers in \(\mathbb{N}\)).

It doesn’t satisfy associativity. For example:

\[\begin{split}(3 - 0) - 2 &= 3 - 2 \\ &= 1\end{split}\]


\[\begin{split}3 - (0 - 2) &= 3 - (-2) \\ &= 5\end{split}\]

It fails to satisfy identity as well. To see this, we will first note that there is only one right identity in this set; that is, there is only one \(e \in \mathbb{N}\) which makes the following equation hold for all \(x \in \mathbb{N}\):

\[x - e = x\]

It’s not too difficult to see that this \(e\) is \(0\). So \(0\) is the only possible candidate to be the identity element thus far. But remember that we need it to work the other way around too: to be the identity element, we need it to be a left identity too; that is, it needs to satisfy the following for all \(x \in \mathbb{N}\):

\[e - x = x\]

But if we set \(e\) to be \(0\), this won’t work, so \(0\) is not a left identity. In fact no element of \(\mathbb{N}\) is a left identity under subtraction.